Withdrawal from the e-vignette purchase.
A customer who purchased the e-vignette and selected a start date of its validity other than the date of purchase can withdraw from the purchase and request a complete refund at any time before the e-vignette becomes valid. In this case, the customer is entitled to a complete refund of the paid amount.
If your e-vignette is not yet valid, you may withdraw from the purchase:
1. If you purchased the e-vignette in a Dars online shop or its points of sale (DarsGo Servis), you may claim a refund from DARS. The easiest way is to register in our online shop and submit your application for withdrawal from purchase in our web portal. You can also send your application by ordinary mail. Just complete the form for withdrawing from the e-vignette purchase. Please complete the form with the following information:
- first and last name or the name of the company, tax number, address, postcode and country of residence or of the company’s head office;
- ID number of the e-vignette subject to withdrawal from the purchase;
- registration plate number and the country of registration of the vehicle for which the e-vignette, subject to withdrawal from the purchase, was purchased;
- name and address of the bank, transaction account number (IBAN) for a refund and the bank's BIC/SWIFT code.
The request must include the invoice for the e-vignette, subject to withdrawal from the purchase, or the invoice copy. We recommend that you also send us your contact information (telephone number, e-mail) to facilitate and expedite the refund process. Dars will return the purchase money to the account provided by the customer not later than 14 days from the approval of the request.

The customer may withdraw from the purchase at any time before the e-vignette becomes valid and request a refund of the full purchase price.
2. If you purchased the e-vignette at one of our dealers, the request for withdrawal from the purchase must be submitted at the point of sale. In this case, the terms and refund method are determined by the dealer.