Toll payment exempted transportations

The Road Tolling Act provides certain exemptions from toll payment. In line with Article 9 of the law, tolls are not required for:

  • motor vehicles with priority and escort vehicles, including the escorted vehicles;
  • military vehicles of the Slovenian Armed Forces;
  • foreign military vehicles used on a national defence mission, in transporting international peacekeeping forces, and in the performance of other defence and security tasks, if so determined by international treaties;
  • transport with vehicles for performing humanitarian aid tasks for those affected in peace or war, due to natural and other disasters or armed conflicts, and
  • transport with vehicles of the toll road operator for performing the maintenance tasks of toll roads and toll activities.

This means that such vehicles do not require the e-vignette; however, they must be registered in the e-vignette system prior to using a toll road. Please read below how to complete this procedure.

The customer who applies for a toll payment exemption needs to inform the toll road manager about any changes related to individual toll payment exemption. 

Vozila s prednostjo

Vehicles with priority

Vehicles with priority and escort vehicles, including the escorted vehicles, include any vehicle equipped with special signalling lights in line with the traffic regulations registered in the Republic of Slovenia, or a vehicle using special light and sound signalling in line with this regulation during urgent works. The authority using such vehicles for performing its duties can register its vehicles with priority in the e-vignette system on the web portal (registration needed), or submit a list of the vehicles by completing the e-form “Submitting a list of vehicles with priority, escort vehicles and escorted vehicles” to the Toll Control Operative Centre to '''', which then registers the vehicles in the e-vignette system;  

Vehicles of the Slovenian Armed Forces

These are all vehicles with registration plates of the Slovenian Armed Forces. The authority using such vehicles for performing its duties can register such vehicles in the e-vignette system on the web portal (registration needed), or submits a list of the vehicles by completing the e-form “Submitting the list of vehicles with priority, escort vehicles and escorted vehicles” to the Toll Control Operative Centre to '''', which then registers the vehicles in the e-vignette system.

Humanitarni prevozi

Humanitarian transport

Toll payment exemption also applies to vehicles for the provision of humanitarian relief to those in need in war or peace conditions, victims of natural and other disasters or armed conflicts. For humanitarian transports, an application for the toll payment exemption of humanitarian aid transportation needs to be completed in our online shop, which requires user registration, or a form with all the required appendices needs to be sent to '''' or fax: +386 5 700 25 08. Following approval from the Toll Control Operative Centre, the vehicles are registered in the e-vignette system and do not require an e-vignette for the time of toll payment exemption. If the Toll Control Operational Centre rejects the application or if the application is filed too late, the vehicles need to have a valid e-vignette to use the toll roads. The vehicles also need the e-vignette if they use the toll roads outside of the time period for which they are exempted from paying the toll.

Tuja vojaška vozila

Foreign military vehicles

Toll payment exemption may also apply to foreign military vehicles for the purpose of defending the country, international peacekeeping forces and for other defence and safety tasks, if so defined by international treaties. Transportation with such vehicles must be announced by the competent authority at least 24 hours before the foreign military vehicles enter the toll road network, by completing the “Prior notification of foreign military forces transportation” form and sending it to the Toll Control Operative Centre to ''''. Following approval from the Toll Control Operative Centre, the vehicles are registered in the e-vignette system for the time period of the toll payment exemption. If the Toll Control Operational Centre rejects the application or if the application is filed too late, the vehicles need to have a valid e-vignette to use the toll roads. The vehicles also need an e-vignette if they use the toll roads outside of the time period for which they are exempted from paying the toll.

Vozila za vzdrževanje avtocest

Vehicles of the toll road operator

Toll payment exemption also applies to the vehicles of the toll road operator used for maintenance works on toll roads and for toll collecting activities. Such vehicles are entered into the e-vignette system by the authorised person of the toll road operator.