Quick. Simple. And, with a bit of luck, with the purchase price refunded.

All online shop users who purchase a yearly e-vignette in our online shop at any time between 1 February 2025 and 31 January 2026 can participate in a prize game. One hundred lucky winners will receive the total e-vignette purchase amount in their bank account. Users who buy several yearly e-vignettes in that period will get an extra chance to win with each purchase.

Who can participate?

Participants must meet the following requirements:

  • they must be a natural person,
  • they must be a registered user of the online shop who has given their consent to participate in the prize game,
  • they must not be employed by or a member of the supervisory body of DARS,
  • they must not participate in the preparation or execution of this prize game.
When will the prize draws take place?

Participation in a particular prize draw depends on the purchase date of the yearly e-vignette. Prize draws will take place on:

  • 8 August 2025 for yearly e-vignettes bought between 1 February 2025 and 31 July 2025;
  • 6 February 2026 for yearly e-vignettes bought between 1 August 2025 and 31 January 2026.

There will be 50 serial numbers of yearly e-vignettes drawn in each prize draw, and a total of 100 yearly e-vignette serial numbers in all the prize draws.

How will the purchase price be reimbursed?

After each prize draw, the results of the draw will be published on the website. The lucky winners will also be notified of the results by email and asked to provide the data required for income tax and prepayment and for the disbursement of the prize. Lucky winners who send all the necessary data in due time will receive the e-vignette purchase amount in their bank account within 20 days of the prize draw.

All the participants should take due account of the possibility that they may fall into a higher income tax category if they receive the prize. We will handle the personal data of all those participating in the prize game with due care and diligence, and will process such data solely for the purpose for which their consent has been provided, in line with the applicable law governing personal data protection.

Detailed rules for participation in the prize game are available here.